Video: Hawk’s Nest Resort

Clubhouse Wi-Fi  Upgrade at Hawk’s Nest

Prior to our arrival, the Internet speeds at Hawk’s Nest were painfully slow. We took two screen shots from with results before and after installation of the system. Hawks speed test 1Hawks speed test 2Within a short span of 2 hours we installed the antennas on the roof, ran the cables from the antennas down to the clubhouse, and connected the TV receiver and Internet MVDDS modem. After finishing the job, we called the resort manager to give our system a try. She came over to us with a serious attitude, busy with her daily duties. We told her the new Wi-Fi device name and password. Wanting to capture her first reaction we had our camera ready, and a few second later her reaction was captured (see the video).

The Internet speed over Wi-Fi (802.11g) jumped from 0.16 Mbit/s up to 13 Mbit/s! She told us that she had been waiting for this moment for over two years, trying to find a technical solution on that remote end of the Island.

Dreams come true again.

P.S. Later we installed a professional Wi-Fi router for this busy clubhouse and the Wi-Fi speeds reached 38 Mbit/s, providing high speed data via our MVDDS System.