Club Destiny

Medium Distance Customer- Club Destiny

Distance: 8.8 km or 5.5 miles         

Modulation Type: DVB-S2 8PSK 30 MSymb/s

TX Visibility: line-of-sight over bush land

Service Needed: Internet and digital TV

Type of Access: public

Connection Download Speed: 55 Mbit/s in 12GHz band

Connection Upload Speed: 33 Mbit/s in 5GHz band

Connection speed tests are performed using IPERF, the commonly used IP bandwidth measurement software. The connection download speed shows the data rate from a MVDDS transponder sending data to the client equipment from the main transmission site. The connection upload speed shows the data rate from the client equipment back to the main transmission site using the uplink frequency band. One’s actual Internet speed depends on many factors: congestion on intermediary links; the speed of the ISP backbone; the performance of the customer PC, smart phone, or tablet.  How the device is connected to the home router, i.e., Ethernet cable, Wi-Fi, etc, can also affect apparent Internet download speeds.

View Toward the TX Site and the Map with Case Study Customers only

This client is located at medium distance to the Main transmission site. That’s why a small round MVDDS antenna can be used to receive the downstream signal in 12GHz band.

Daily Download Graphs (5 Minute Average) & Weekly Download Graphs (30 Minute Average)

For a detailed explanation of the MVDDS system data flow go to System Data Traffic Analysis page.

Daily Upload Graphs (5 Minute Average) & Weekly Upload Graphs (30 Minute Average)

900 941 1397 955 893